I love this title from Target Marketing Magazine: “12 Social Media Questions for a Real Direct Marketer”

Note from Jim Gilbert: Two weeks ago I did a webinar, “The 9 Immutable Laws of Social Media Marketing”, for Target Marketing Magazine for a “packed house”.  We had over 85 questions submitted during the webinar so we decided to turn the responses into a Target Marketing Article.  Here are a few of the questions, the answers can be found here.

1. How do you measure social media ROI?

2. We’re just launching a blog; what’s the best way to solicit feedback/interaction?

3. On social networks, we have a few really engaged customers who respond to posts, but overall most people are not engaged. How can we fix that?

View the additional 9 questions and their answers on the Target Marketing Website  here.

BTW, you can still see a replay of the webinar here.

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